Thursday, July 03, 2008

Gramma Chole`

I'm sad. I hate being so far away. I hope she makes it till I can get there to visit. It's been two years since I've seen Gramma. I talked to her yesterday and she doesn't sound good at all. Three to six months is too short a time.

I think she is ready to go though. I don't think she wants to deal with the pain. She wants to see her friends again. She is one of the last.

My heart breaks for my Dad. My heart breaks for the Gramma I remember. Pray for her. Please.

I called to give her comfort and instead she gave blessings to my family. We are blessed to have known this wonderful, loving, caring, sweet woman. My memories give me comfort. So, so many memories to keep me warm in her love. So many precious memories. It's all we have left.

Jamie, remember sleeping with Gramma in her bed, we'd give back rubs to the person in front, then she'd tell us all to roll over and we'd get backrubs too.

Remember her chasing us around the yard with the metal flyswatter? Remember the kool aide that was so sweet it would make our teeth hurt? I remember learning to ride my bike in the parking lot across the street from her house, with her sitting yelling encouragement from the yard. I remember her always giving the best hugs. Telling us "tatterpillers" that she loved us.

Gramma is a butterfly, flying away from us.