Monday, September 18, 2006

Finally settling down, a bit

Well, things have settled down a bit. Our trip to Cali was nice. It could have come at a better time, but it is what it is.

We got home and started unpacking boxes. Took a few days to find the dang telephones. Sigh. The packers did a crap job of packing it all up. I hate that we are in a place in our lives where we are trying to buy nice (or nicer than we used to buy) and people that move us treat it like dog crap. Our brand new bedroom set has scratches all over it. Our cedar chest that my Dad bought us is scratched and chipped. I found garage items in with my clothes. It was just not nice.

At least we haven't had any real breaks yet. We do have stuff missing, but that is to be expected. Stuff is always stolen. Gotta love Military contractors. Ex-criminals are the ones moving and packing our stuff.

The kids are settling in nicely. The schools are good. E's is REALLY awesome. She is doing some amazing stuff in Marching band. We are so proud of her.

Jandro is really taking a shine to PE. Now that his feet are in good shape and it doesn't hurt to walk/run, he is really doing well. He is such a good, kindhearted young man. :D

Alyssia is doing SO much better now that she has a teacher that gives a crap. She is excelling. I love, LOVE that there isn't a fight each morning to go to school. The dread she felt each day last year is GONE.

Juanito is loving Kinder, his teacher is as old as the hills, but she loves him so much. She tells me what a sweet little boy he is. Aww!! My wittle man! He is coming home with some raging attitude some days though. I think he is tired. :P

Jose is settling down into his job nicely. I think he likes it. He likes that it's different than anything he has done before.

I'm feebly attempting to find a job. I'd love to stay home but it is so much more expensive here. I feel like I have to contribute some monetarily.

I really miss my Dad and my best friend Sally. Things just aren't the same. Which is good in a way. We were ready for a change. I just wish that Dad and Sally could have moved with us. :D

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