Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I have a JOB!

I was hired as a Para-Professional at the school my younger two kids attend. I'm so happy! I will be on the exact schedule that my kids are on. This is more than I could have ever, EVER hoped for. Finally my education is paying off.

I'm sad that the kids I work with don't have great foundations in education. Their parents don't check their work, give them their meds for ADD and ADHD, or get interested at all. This is so different than the schools my kids have gone to before. We are always in small communities that are Military heavy. Which means there are a lot of volunteers and helpers at the schools. I have found out that it isn't that way in the "real" world. Sigh.

I get to see my younger two kids every day in the halls. It is a fantastic feeling to be able to know that I'll always be there for the kids, just a few seconds away.

I'm getting into a routine at school. I have a space of my own. The kids come to me for their lessons. I'm meeting new people. None that I'd really consider to be friend material. Maybe that's just because I'm still new and considered an outsider. Hopefully that will get better.

I can't wait till I get my first check!! Whoo hoo. It will be so nice not to worry about money every second of every day. Maybe I'll start sleeping better! lol

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