Saturday, November 04, 2006


Today was the Ironman competition here in Panama City Beach. I volunteered because it sounded like fun. Little did I know that I'd be getting up at o'crack thirty. :P I was sent an email saying that I would be marking athletes with their numbers and that show time was 4:30. YIKES! Of course it was FREEZING cold. I'm talking 41 degrees when I left the house at 4 am. So, I'm all bundled up. Duh!

I didn't know what to expect because I'd never done anything like this before. I get out there and I'm handed a huge Sharpie and sent on my way. So, my job is to write the athletes number on their biceps, front of thighs, and their age on their back right calf. Oh, and it's still dark, and still way cold. BRR!

I felt kind of bad for the poor athletes, they have little to no body fat and we were making them get half naked to mark them. LOL. I had a great time and I've decided that it wasn't so bad being out there that early because I beat the traffic and was home in time to catch a nap. The best part was telling some good looking men with GREAT bodies to drop their pants. :D

It was so nice because they were so appreciative of the volunteers being there to help out. Jose and Elizabeth were out there later in the bike farm. After the first leg of the race (the swim) the people would come through to get their bikes for the 112 mile ride. Geez!! They had just finished swimming 2.5 miles, then they were riding for 112, and then a full marathon at the end of that. They have some endurance. Whoo.

It was so neat to meet so many different people. People from all over the world were here to compete. Jose and Elizabeth would hand their bikes to the people as they were coming through the bike farm. They've both said they are doing it again next year. It's so exhilarating to do something like this.

Sounds weird but it really made me feel connected to everyone around me out there. I love the rush you get from volunteering!

Now I'm off to the grocery store, snore, what a buzz kill. :P Ah, such is my life. :D

Forgot to add, there were a couple of people that really inspired me. There was a blind man who was in the race with a partner. The blind man swam 2.4 miles, when we left, he was getting on a tandem bike with his race partner. It was truly touching. So many people that are handicapped and able alike, use excuses to live their lives. Here was this man, doing things that most sighted people dare not do. There was also a 72 year old man running his first Iron Man. I swear it was the most amazing sight.

People never fail to amaze me.

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