Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted!

Things have been going really well. If we could get out of our mountain of debt from moving here, we'd be doing great. Jose is settling in to work quite well. He is enjoying a few aspects of it now. Which is always a bonus. Now if I could get him off of WoW, that'd be wonderful.

I am settling in to my job nicely. I get a little ruffled working with some of these kids. It seems like there is no support at home and yet they expect miracles from school. Sigh. There are quite a few kids that I'm growing attached to. They are the ones that you can TELL don't get attention/love/affection at home. They are like stray animals, going to anyone that will look at them. I have to be careful and not become attached to them too much. My Dad keeps telling me that I can't save everyone. I know that it's true but to look at these kids and not feel something is just not me.

The kids are doing great in school. E had a Marching Band competition and they got straight Superiors for the 38th year in a row. Talk about pressure! YIKES. She is excited that concert season is starting. She'll get her french horn now. She wants us to buy one, but for $4000 I can think of other things that come first. Jose told her that we'd buy her one for HS graduation. We'll have to see about that!

The other kids are doing well too. It seems that the bullying has pretty much stopped for Jandro. He said they found new kids to pick on. :( I am saddened that another kid is going through what he went through. But, I'm happy that my kid is no longer their focus. :(

Home is still getting settled. We have boxes that are not unpacked. I'm hoping that we'll get into base housing before long. We'd really like to buy a house, we'll have to see what we can do about that. Unfortunately we are in a lease for a year, the only way out is to get base housing or finish the year. Housing isn't readily available though. I keep crossing my fingers!

Time to play Mama Taxi again. I'm almost looking forward to E being able to drive. ALMOST.

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