Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas has come and gone

I love Christmas. I love our traditions that we've had since the beginning of our marriage. The going to pick and cut down our own tree, eating Chinese food on Christmas Eve, the memories that come with unpacking and decorating our tree. It's such a joyful time of year.

Then of course comes the "I want" phase. I truly despise how commercialized Christmas has become. I loathe the Christmas decorations in stores that start before Thanksgiving. I don't like the Christmas music that starts in early November. I don't like how adults and children everywhere start to create lists of things they want for Christmas.

I love seeing our kids faces when they wake up Christmas morning and see that Santa has come. Seeing them tear into the presents with glee. I don't like that after there is a huge mess to clean up and the let down that comes after Christmas. LOL

We had a great Christmas. The kids got the Wii (it is a ton of fun) and a few games to go with. Jose is loving it too, he turns into a big kid when a game system is around. LOL. I love that his computer has been silent for a few days. No WoW, yay!!

I hate that Jose feels that my Christmas was lacking because I didn't have a ton of stuff to open. I loved my Christmas. I didn't/don't care that I didn't have a ton of stuff. I love the shopping and giving for others. I loved seeing the kids faces when they opened the Wii (it was the very last gift). Seeing their excitement and joy, it is the best gift of all.

I too wish that I could have given Jose a ton of stuff. I know that his Christmas's as a child weren't great. He mainly got socks and underwear as gifts. I wish that I could show him how much he is appreciated and loved by having a room full of presents for him. We just don't have the means. Jose feels that by not having lots of stuff for me that he isn't supporting us, or that he doesn't make enough. He feels that he isn't providing enough. I wish that he could see inside my heart to know that he is the best gift I could ever have.

Having him home this year is the best gift. Last year was a sad, sad Christmas for us. He was deployed to Kyrgyzstan and we were in Oklahoma without him. This year we are in Florida and we are together. I just wish he knew in his heart how important that is to us all. Being a complete family is the best gift of all.

We've had no serious illness this year, we have a home, two vehicles, we are provided for, we have love. These are the things that I wish people would focus on during the holidays. How lucky we are! There are other Military families grieving and suffering right now. People who's lives are torn apart. We are whole. We are together. We are blessed. We truly are.

Blessings for peace and joy in the year to come to everyone! I wish everyone a year of gladness and peace. If only people would realize how truly wonderful it can be to have a smooth life. Some might say uneventful, I say otherwise.

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