Monday, July 10, 2006

Getting old.............

Last week something new happened in my life. Heartburn. Something I never faced as a pregnant woman. Hard to believe, four pregnancies and not one bout of heartburn. Anyway, last week in the middle of the night, I wake up to a feeling I have NEVER felt before, for a while there I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. Wondered if I could call 911 on myself, the pain was so unbelievable. The whole middle of my body, all the way around my back felt like I was being stabbed with a hot knife, over and over again.

I didn't do anything about it but suffer. At first I thought, it must have been that brownie I ate. I can't possibly have become allergic to chocolate, I considered suicide at that thought. ;O Then I wondered if it were the aforementioned heart attack. I didn't know what was wrong with me, after about 2.5 hours of serious pain (greater than childbirth in some respects) it went away. Whew, big sigh of relief!!

A few days later, I tempted to eat another brownie (liken it to getting pregnant again after a horrible birth, you DO tend to forget). So, no pain. A big sigh of relief from me, I'll tell ya! Then last night, I wake up at about 4 am, again with that horrible pain. I took a flexeril (didn't even take the edge off) waited for about 30 minutes for the pain pill to kick in. Nope, didn't work. Then I took a naproxen, hoping THAT would tame the monster pain. Nope. So I get up and decide to look up heartburn online.

Thank the GODS for google. I type in that handy dandy little box "heartburn relief" and find a few million hits. Well, I start clicking through my pain. I find that peppermint will take care of it. I grab a fuzzy mint from my purse (glad those things were shrink wrapped, but I would have eaten it from the sidewalk to get rid of that pain). In about 10 minutes the horrible pain was GONE. I was amazed.

So now I've realized that after the traumas of pregnancy/birth/lots of good food, etc. My body is starting to hate me. What have I done to you?!?! Haven't I given in to every whim and desire? Haven't I skipped that exercise we both loathe? Haven't I been good to you (in every bad way of course)??? Sigh, time to start taking better care I guess. At least I can put forth an effort.

On a different note about the same topic. Sally and I took the monsters, errrrr, kids to the pool out by her house yesterday. We were cringing as we watched the kids doing flips off the diving board. We reminisced about doing wild things in our younger days. I never had fear of pain as much as I do now as a grown up.

I seriously think that is what stops us as adults from doing physical harm to ourselves, fear! Seriously think about the things you did as a child. Would you do HALF of them now? Not me, I'll tell ya that much.

I used to be fine with driving a car without a seat belt, now I get pissed at strangers for not using theirs. I've turned into a huge MOM. lol. I wouldn't wear a helmet when riding a bike, I would flip off the diving boards, back flip even. I would run across the street not caring if a car was half a block away (or less). I would do many of the things I warn my kids not to do.

So, I'm 32 and I'm old. At least I don't wear my pants up under my boobs (or is it boobs down to the pants? hmmmm......). At least I'm not decrepit yet. YET. Talk to me in a few years. Maybe when I'm 42? lol

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